SAMS vänverksamhet
We find friends to people with disabilities in the Swedish-speaking-Finland. We have several different volunteer assignments to choose from: live friend, digital friend, short term volunteering, friend circle or scout friend. Read more about the different assignments below.
Anyone can do volunteer assignments at SAMS vänverksamhet. We do not require special knowledge or education, the volunteer assignments are based on compassion. We demand that the volunteers share SAMS values and follow the instructions in the friends policy.
Volunteer assignments
Read more about the different volunteer assignments below by pressing the plus sign.
Live friends meet once or several times a month to do something that both are intrested in. The coordinators will help you find a friend with similar interests. Friends encourage each other to a more active leisure time.
Register interest via the form below.
Do you want to have online contact with a friend? You can do it from home and only need a computer, a tablet or a smartphone. Digi friends meet once or several times a month to do something that both are intrested in.
Register your interest via the form below.
Would you like to do a volunteer assignment, but do not want to commit to a long term assignment? Then you can register an interest in short term volunteering! Short term volunteering can, for example, be to help at events or to substitute another volunteer friend. You decide when you have time to help!
Register your interest via the form below.
A friend circle is a group of people who meet about once a month either physically or online. At the meetings, you can meet new friends, share your experiences with others and get peer support.
At the moment we have a physical friend circle in Pietarsaari and an online circle. If you are interested in participating in a friend circle, please register via the form below.
A scout friend acts as a friend, facilitator and support for a child in need of special support who wants to be in the scouts. The scout friend participates in the scout activities with the child, helps where needed and maintains contact with the child, the family, the scout corps and the scout friend project.
The assignment is suitable for you who are over 15 years old and want to give a child the chance to be a scout. You do not need any prior knowledge and receive training and support in the assignment. The project is a collaboration with Finland Svenska Scouter (FiSSc).
If you are interested in becoming a scout buddy, you can fill out this form (in Swedish).
Sometimes you need a little support to be able to take part in leisure activities. We lend tablets and a terrain wheelchair, a hippocampe, for those who need it.
Would you like to learn how to use technology and different digital solutions? We lend tablets to people with disabilities, who are part of SAMS vänverksamhet. With the tablet, you can, for example, communicate with your friend and agree on dates for meetings.
The Hippocampe is a terrain wheelchair that makes it possible for everyone to get out into nature. The Hippocampe can be used on the beach, in the forest and in nature. It is comfortable and can be adjusted for the user.
SAMS vänverksamhet together with Finlands Svenska Scouter (FiSSc), has received a grant from Aktiastiftelsen i Esbo-Grankulla to acquire the Hippocampe. It can be used by children who have a scout friend via SAMS vänverksamhet. When not in use there, others can borrow it.
Check the calendar when the wheelchair is available and book it via this link.
How do I become a friend?
Show your interest by filling in your contact details in the form below. You can also contact the coordinators by e-mail or telephone if you have any questions.

Martin Holmgård

Anna Caldén
The friend couple Kari and Laura
Kari and Laura are friends from Helsinki. In the video, they tell about how it happened when they met via SAMS vänverksamhet and what they usually does together. They also tell you what friendship means to them and why you should become a friend!
Watch the video to get an idea of what a volunteer friend is. The video is in Swedish with English subtitles.